GQF brooder for quail

I have not used one but Ive seen them in use at my local feed store. I do like the all metal construction and the wire floor. Quail poop a lot. The only issue I see is the wire floor is 1/2" mesh. This is way too big for newly hatched quail, so you'll have to put down paper towels or something until they're around a week old. Which seems like a pretty big downfall considering, in my climate anyway, I can move my chicks outside as early as 10-12 days. 1/4" wire floor would be ideal. PVC coated would be even better.

How many chick's do you plan on hatching at once and do you plan on continually hatching on a regular basis?
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thanks for the comments.

I do three to five hatches a season and always just cobble together a brooder at the last minute. as soon as either the bobs or cots get feathers i have to mess around covering the thing so they don't blast up and out. lol I'm just trying to make life a little more organized and less stressful....something i struggle with lol.

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