Granny's gone and done it again

trust, he wakes up grumpy . He wont do a thing sleepy either. LOL Takes him 2 hrs to get moving . Like his mom.
haha! So your dinner is his breakfast!

they also help with complications . Not trying to encourage you to go Just didnt know if you knew that or not. I think I had a MI yesterday and I didnt go so Im sure not in the position to fuss at someone else. LOL
:duc Go to the Dr! With holiday coming, the longer you wait, it will be harder to get an appointment if you need one.

Timer went off !!! :yesss::yesss::yesss:
Granny just left to eat her pot pie! How are you? Shoulder better?

yep just a little sore in the bicep?? muscle in the upper arm that's suppose to bulge when you pose. OF course mine has always bulged the opposite direction just pitiful :lol:

And now as I get older I am developing "Grandma lock arms" you know the skin,flab,muscle that hang down from your upper arm when you hold it out. I remember swatting/pushing my grandmothers back and forth with little sort of like human "flubber" :oops:
I have been very blessed in the area of chicken illness. SO far, never had corrid, merecks or any of the other things. BUT I ALWAYS have my chicks vaccinated at the hatchery. Even the couple clutches hatched by determined hens have had not issues. NOW preditors is another story BUT I can take care/deal with that.

Other then the lings and the 2? with angel wing. And even that's not really and issue as I had planned on sending some to freezer camp and this sort of simplifies the selection process.

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