Granny's gone and done it again

We have canned soup and ramen. I always crave salty Campbell’s soup when I’m sick. I also brought home juice, donuts, and apple sauce for them. We’ll survive! I wish at least one of them would stay in bed. I want to watch my movies! :hit
Put your movies on and they might go to bed! ;)
We’re back and forth. DH was ready to go, but the meds are expensive and only shorten by a day or so. I think rest and fluids are the best for them, as long as their temps don’t spike too high.
they also help with complications . Not trying to encourage you to go Just didnt know if you knew that or not. I think I had a MI yesterday and I didnt go so Im sure not in the position to fuss at someone else. LOL
You dont have insurance ? Might need antibiotics if not the antivirals .

We have good insurance. But getting ready to travel so trying to pinch the pennies. They seem to be ok, like a cold with aches and fever. If they start acting worse I’ll take them in, don’t worry. :hugs

When mom is was young she babysat a kid who ran a fever (not while she was there). She said it was only 102 but the kid had lasting brain damage from it. So if we got a sniffle, we were straight to the doc. My mom is single-handedly responsible for overuse of antibiotics. :lol: She wanted me to be the same way with my littles. I keep telling her that was 40+ years ago and there’s no telling what underlying conditions that kid already had. Anyway, that’s my story for the day. :frow

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