Granny's gone and done it again

Wishing, I cant wait til you come for a visit
Maybe late spring/early summer. Got to get things straightened up around here. Hubs' trip was postponed to end of the month... China for work then Nepal for fun (?). He is looking for a really good water filter. Can get very sick in Nepal. Hotels in China provide bottled water and electric kettles in the rooms to boil water for tea or coffee. Hubs fills his water bottle at night to let it cool.
I dreamed of every deceased person I know last night and all of them was somehow my fault .
Morning, I dont think I got my sleep out. Bitter cold this am. even coolish in here. 63 in the window room. Probably 90 in my bedroom. LOL Sure felt like it anyway.
Which flea product do you use on her.
It’s called vectra 3D.

Hubs got it, no mention of cost (I think he knew better he also sent me a printout of how much it would cost to renew registration on his flipper I think he knew he was financially in the proverbial doghouse anyway...)

Sigh. Was up late with getting his resume set up for his interview today. “I don’t see why I have to do this they have all the info from the application”

Sigh. Should be interesting. Alright. Time to get up get coffee going and get myself in to work. Bright side...the 401k census spreadsheet is 99.9% done. Phew!

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