Granny's gone and done it again

It’s called vectra 3D.

Hubs got it, no mention of cost (I think he knew better he also sent me a printout of how much it would cost to renew registration on his flipper I think he knew he was financially in the proverbial doghouse anyway...)

Sigh. Was up late with getting his resume set up for his interview today. “I don’t see why I have to do this they have all the info from the application”

Sigh. Should be interesting. Alright. Time to get up get coffee going and get myself in to work. Bright side...the 401k census spreadsheet is 99.9% done. Phew!
Hi star, good luck to your hubby. Dog show in Ventura is cancelled. My hubby was driving down. Roads are un passable. Ie closed.
I read @Yorkshire Coop thread this am. 31 pages. Even though I knew her dog had broke his leg and was doing ok the thread actually had me on the edge . LOL Kim is such a graceful lady Im not sure how we became friends. I am total opposite . LOL I should really take notes . :hugs:frow

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