Granny's gone and done it again

I probably wouldnt like it. Women like that get on my nerves. bahahahaaa

Well there’s also baby animals of all types, baby announcements, bridal/engagement pics, gender reveals, crafts and recipes, laughter and tears, and general encouragement. Right now all the small dairies are shutting down so the women are rallying and asking which milk from what stores helps the most. It’s a neat group. Mollie added me to it.
I have been reading a blog about a lady who had an abnormal mammo and ultrasound like mine. I already figure its cancer based on what the doctors said to me but DH says you don't know yet. Willing to bet 9 to 1 i do know. Freaking out a bit.
I was thinking about you today.:hugs I would be freaking out some too. You inevitably go through all the what ifs, but hopefully it will end up being what if it's something else. My friend's husband went through this. They had a very rough week until the biopsy came back negative. She is a nurse practitioner, and knows all about the size and shape and margins and all that... she was expecting the worst, but it's proof that good things can happen, it was benign. She was really freaked out because it was her husband with the lump. They never expected that, especially as her mother was diagnosed stage 2 over 10 years ago, but today she is healthy and cancer free.
I was just checking out some of those people and well, They have businesses too and reviews can be wrote.
That's my granny! Always thinking (deviously!):lol:

Congrats #1!! That’s the car from the east coast?
No, I killed his dream for that one. Too far away and expensive and I can't imagine buying a car without seeing it in person, so airfare and hotels and all that would have added even more.
This car was local-ish and significantly less money. The man who sold it is such a nice guy and he really took a liking to #1, came down in price some and even drove it up half way so we met him on our side of the Golden Gate. The man is also the chairman for a classic car event and he thought #1 would make an excellent judge in a year or two. My kid is obsessed with these cars and is soaking up all sorts of esoteric car factoids (ie,Those aren't the original mirrors! - on his car:eek:), which is what is needed for judging. If it has the effect we hope, it will broaden his world. He has already met so many wonderful supportive people. Good folk, car enthusiasts. :)

Close! DH has that one and wore it today. Mine says “Rise and Shine mother cluckers” :lau :lau It was a gift last year from a staff person.
Oh, hahaha I remember you wearing that one! Close! It would make a cool bag.

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