Granny's gone and done it again

I have no idea what she used, i am supposed to keep this dressing on for 2 days!
And they have all these crazy restrictions about not lifting or raising your blood pressure etc.
Hubby made me a new CD with all these terrific rock songs i love. He must be trying to help me lose weight because i can't stop dancing when it plays. Took my cd player out in the workshop.
Hi. I had so much trouble catching up. Kept dozing off. Helped hubs give Henry another dose of olive oil... I am the holder. I don't let the cat mess around. #2 was going to help, but they treat Henry like he's fragile or something. Cat could rip your face off if he set his mind to it. I tell him NO and settles down.

Not up yet for me.

Did you take that? beautiful!

No. Back is tweaky. Groceries about did me in.

Way down south where the Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Next to Louisiana where Camping lives.

Mississippi watershed covers a lot of territory.
I love maps!
Mississippi Rocks:yesss:hey Camp:cool:

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