Granny's gone and done it again

Back from Toms appt. His iron is good but thats where it ends. His platelets are very low and they want to knock him out and get some bone marrow from his hip to biopsy and he still has UTI and has an emergence appt w/a dr Thursday. And he is some kind of pizzed
There i just so much you can put an 81 yr old man through. Every time I take him to a dr they want to operate on something. They will want to take his prostrate out and Tom isnt going to let them and thats the only way I think to clear up this infection and confusion.
We stopped at the fish store and I was surprised but the man gave me credit on the fish Tom lost and he had double charged for the betta food. Said the same thing Cap did . Next time bring in a sample of water. Check the PH . Said my theory about the salt was wrong . anyway he has 11 fish now all together. plenty. Mostly mollys so we are over by one fish for the tank size. I wanted it for my tank. LOL He liked it best so he got it. Its called a diamond tetra .

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