Granny's gone and done it again

People are already annoying me this morning. Did y'all know I should know what color egg each of my hens lay? What a certain bird lays. An Easter egger of all birds. AND Easter Eggers only lay blue or green eggs.
Thats when you look at them and exclaim, You mean birds lay eggs ? :eek:
Premium for chicks I tell ya. Sigh. $7/chick.
That is a bit less than when I get them from Meyer. Chicks aren't real expensive but then there is the $35 shipping charge.

I love hatchery birds because you can order pullets and let them worry about the roosters.
They worry but sometimes oops. Got a Barnevelder cockerel 2 years ago and I'm 99% sure I got a Columbian Wyandotte cockerel this year. They will refund money but you are stuck with the roo and are down one planned egg layer.

He refused the other leg having the arteries cleared out too... even though the first one has helped him.
Did he have recovery complications that he feels were worse than the benefit he gained?
I can see skipping the prostate screening part, from what I read they don't recommend it after age 70 or for people who have 10-15 years of life expected. Tom fits in both those categories. The cancer apparently is so slow growing that the cure would be worse than the disease.
Wow. 6am. That’s sleeping in for me lol.

Ground some of this last night for the office. Made my kitchen smell awesome. Tasty coffee too. May need my mom to send me some care packages lol.

Expensive coffee. But...
Bruce, complications, yes. He had a blood clot thats what we went to him for. He treated blockage instead. He made him lay flat for many hrs afterand even w/ morphine it wasnt touching his pain. They couldnt top the bleeding for a very long time and a man put pressure on Toms groin area for over 5 hrs. He ended up with 2 huge hematomas and no relief from the pain. They needed to do the other side and Tom refused to go back even for follow up.

With that being said, Urine dr called this am. Unfortunately theres nothing they can do to help Tom besides surgery . He is already on all the meds he can take. and more then recommended so surgery is the only option and we all know that aint happening. He will continue w/ the infections.

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