Granny's gone and done it again

I went to Bears furniture store. Guy said can I help you ? I said Ya. I want $1000.00 chair for a couple hundred bucks. He laughed at me... He said if we had that I would buy one too. Pammy always gets what she wants. Just saying.. We sat down and I found a chair I liked but it was over $400.00 I said, I happen to know you have a back room here that carries used furniture. He says but we dont have any recliners right now. We just get them in sometimes. I said, There is a woman on FB that we both know, maybe you a little better then me...With one eyebrow raised.. Hahaha Must of struck a nerve because the next words out of his mouth was Jerry, Come take this woman out back and show her the recliners. He had about 8 different ones and I got a big mans (not huge) rocking recliner . The material is almost like crushed velvet but its black. It is a little dirty from being out there I guess but very comfy. Reg. $800.00 for $150.00 No tax.
I told Tom watch now we will hear from SS and we did but it was good news I guess. Depends on how you look at it.
Thats not bad at all

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