Granny's gone and done it again

Eat too many of your Christmas baked goods again?

I have my alarm set for 6:30. Took me a long time to find it. It was in the bottom of my dresser.
Good place to hide it so you can't hit the snooze button.

well I haven't been out to the farm this year yet. And in Dec every time I was there the sun was NOT. BUT SOON !!!!
Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that you would be able to not go to the farm for that long if even just to make sure things are OK given I get the impression your help isn't always real reliable.

I do not know how to crack hands. Most people want unbroken hands.
Seems reasonable to me!

Can you imagine living in a normal climate ?
It is normal for North Dakota.
:D Howdy all, drs over . Poor Tom. They poke him w. a stick . You know thats gotta hurt.
I did what I said I wouldnt do. I bought me a chair. Told Tom Now watch, when we get home the letter from SS will be there . sure enough, there it was. It was a positive letter ! 😅 My new chair is not new at all. Its so very ugly and dirty and... 😴😴😴
That's a good idea.
You want to be a game warden? That's law enforcement, so you would take a lot of criminal justice courses. There are other things like forestry and land management that don't require you to carry a gun and hand out tickets and arrest people, and you would take biological science classes. Just depends on what you want to do.
Yea,I'm planning on going for all of it.
No, the buck is registered but my does aren't. I'm planning to replace my animals with showable animals over time. Slowly as I priced some doeling last year and 300-500 per doe is just not doable in large quantities for me.
That is how much it would have cost me 500 but my friend is the champion goat breeder so she gave me the money off!
:D Howdy all, drs over . Poor Tom. They poke him w. a stick . You know thats gotta hurt.
I did what I said I wouldnt do. I bought me a chair. Told Tom Now watch, when we get home the letter from SS will be there . sure enough, there it was. It was a positive letter ! 😅 My new chair is not new at all. Its so very ugly and dirty and... 😴😴😴
Where did you buy the chair?
I went to Bears furniture store. Guy said can I help you ? I said Ya. I want $1000.00 chair for a couple hundred bucks. He laughed at me... He said if we had that I would buy one too. Pammy always gets what she wants. Just saying.. We sat down and I found a chair I liked but it was over $400.00 I said, I happen to know you have a back room here that carries used furniture. He says but we dont have any recliners right now. We just get them in sometimes. I said, There is a woman on FB that we both know, maybe you a little better then me...With one eyebrow raised.. Hahaha Must of struck a nerve because the next words out of his mouth was Jerry, Come take this woman out back and show her the recliners. He had about 8 different ones and I got a big mans (not huge) rocking recliner . The material is almost like crushed velvet but its black. It is a little dirty from being out there I guess but very comfy. Reg. $800.00 for $150.00 No tax.
I told Tom watch now we will hear from SS and we did but it was good news I guess. Depends on how you look at it.

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