Granny's gone and done it again

Ah. Someone was posting along the lines that they were beginning the countdown of “no detected cases” in a regional livestock group but maybe they were wrong.

Feed stores in my location are flying in chicks. (Yes. That’s right. Guy who owns a feed store (not sure if just the Ramona location or all kahoots) has been flying chicks in on his private plane. He got his pilots license and everything. Somehow other hatcheries are getting chicks too. Not sure if they’re getting theirs from the kahoots guy or just bootlegger taking a vehicle to Arizona...
I noticed my snow crocus are blooming today. They are small blooms but pretty colors. I have yellow and purples. My trees they chopped down was full of buds.
Hahahaaaa! They will grow back in no time. Serves 'em right!

32 days til spring I believe. Cant complain about this winter. It was in the 40s today and sunshine.
We haven't had rain all month, and none on the horizon. Have big hopes for March. :fl

I think I am still mad over my chickens and somehow chunking the store bought eggs is satisfying .

The other cory is much larger..
Well, your "just" Bruce here too . :hugs Cool plate though.
Instead of chunking them, scramble them up for the dogs and cats. Good for them and no waste. And happy puppies and kitties. 🐶🐈

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