Granny's gone and done it again

All 3 of them are chunks
Well. Peaches is an old girl...I think she’s close in age to my Peach. Miley....I don’t think she’s massively chunky I think that’s just her fluff lol.
Oh lord. We don’t want Robert on a dating app. Those can be....more trouble than they’re worth.
He was white. (the villain) Thanks Wishing.
Yes, South Africa was colonized by the white Dutch people (I think it was) long ago, and they grew wealthy and powerful and the blacks that lived there before colonization were treated horribly. Laws were made to keep them separate from the whites and in poverty. It was called aparthied. Finally ended with international protests and the work of Nelson Mandela.

How is he to ever meet anyone ?
Maybe there are some chat boards or support groups online for autistic people. Robert could join and make friends there and get ideas how to meet people.
Well. Peaches is an old girl...I think she’s close in age to my Peach. Miley....I don’t think she’s massively chunky I think that’s just her fluff lol.
Oh lord. We don’t want Robert on a dating app. Those can be....more trouble than they’re worth.
I didnt know they were bad places ! Thanks yall.

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