Granny's gone and done it again

Holy Moley! I was just outside with the 'kids', came in and sat down for 2 minutes and it got dark and windy outside... Now it's like a nor-easter blowing through here. Rain coming down in buckets with lighting and boom booms.. Gator is under my legs shaking like a leaf.
Send us some rain, I can't remember last time it rained here. 90s every day...humid...I was out after midnight doing chores last night.
Those varmints! I just chased a deer out of our second garden. It had eaten our nectarines and pears. That means I need to put up wires like I did for our first garden . Sigh, as if I don't have enough to do in the hot weather. The dogs didn't even notice that deer.
How is Windy today? Sorry about your fruit. I would put one of those in my freezer Cap. Do you have a deep freeze ?
I have to keep up with this weekly or I'll be swimming in stuff so tall I can't see the ground.
east 40 (one of my dad's expressions for a large area) is the first pic, then lower and upper sections of the back 40 (yard). May 2019 is when I moved in.. east 40 was a jungle.
My hubby has 13 acres of Mule trails to keep mowed. Keeps him busy.
How is Windy today? Sorry about your fruit. I would put one of those in my freezer Cap. Do you have a deep freeze ?
Yes, it's full.
Windy seems unsteady still ,but she drank her bottle well. The bigger two had their front feet on me while I was trying to bottle feed Windy.
Yes, it's full.
Windy seems unsteady still ,but she drank her bottle well. The bigger two had their front feet on me while I was trying to bottle feed Windy.
aww, are her feet raw or is there ticks or a thorns maybe hid up there ? I wanna hug her really bad. LOL

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