Granny's gone and done it again

you know my insurance would go down if I had a pond . funny.  No fire hydrants here,  If mine caught they would ask permission of my neighbors pond .  I dont know But I think they mostly let them burn.   Insurance was $50.00 a month til I filed a claim. Had black mold. Robert was so sick.  Even had the EPA out here testing the air.
Fire hydrant ~ what's that??? We have ponds, lakes & streams. Fortunatell our fire & rescue finally went to a paid deparment. Up until this past summer it was all volunteer so you had to wait for personal to get to the fire station before they could roll out to respond. They were called basement savers up until the conversion.
Oh geez, you probably still have it

EPA said it was gone. they tore walls, floor out. 
Well that's good
Lisa, How old are the brown eggs before you can tell if somethings in them ? Was CB good at it ? Robert has great vision but wont look.
Kid sounds like trouble. Poor CB.

I always ask hubs to ask. Occasionally works!

he cussed a 11 yr. old. He needs smacking. I unfriended all of them on FB so the only way for her to talk to me is call or in person and Im not getting on the phone. I hate getting mad because I dont get over it easy at all.
Nope.  Hubs is going up for the weekend. I will stay here with the boys. He never asks her anything...  drives me nuts...   don't know if she's doing the chemo or not.

Where did this happen?  At your place?  Didn't realize all that was in person.  Did he have a good day today?

No, it was a convo last night keeping him awake. the concert he was trying to make him go to was today. 
He has a lot on his heart. The song he was singing, He made it up. ( on the video)    You can hear a little bit of that cough too. Not much .
Did you tell DH to ask ?

Kid sounds like trouble.  Poor CB.  :hugs

I always ask hubs to ask.  Occasionally works! 
Hi Wishing, husbands are horrible about asking questions, least mine is lol

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