Granny's gone and done it again

Not crispy in the microwave but good flavor .
Well I am not a doctor, you should discuss it. Maybe he will order diagnostics.
I was gonna call friday but I slept too late. I dont think I will let them do another nerve conduction study on my. Friends think I am depressed again and I do too so I will talk to her about that as well.
Still losing weight ? Are you going to never eat bread again? Its not crispy anyway. More on the soggy side.
I will never eat a much as I used to. That goes for most white food... sugar, flour, rice... Basically need to eat like I have diabetes so I don't get it.
Huge yellow butterfly landed right on Roberts face today as we were leaving wal marts. . Unfortunately it scared the crap out of him and he swatted at it. It wasnt looking so hot when we left. Made me think of Flip and I told him I was going to rat him out. He said but mom, I didnt know what it was !

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