Granny's gone and done it again

I bet if he came to visit and someone died in your family from Covid, you would be sorry you let him come over. You guys are high risk, you need to be careful.
thats true. He said he got tested but I bet he didnt. Robert wouldnt stop the game he was playing to even talk to him.
I'm laughing myself silly. If Bruiser weren't so young I would call him a ditz or worse. One of the hens was following him around. When he would get up on the roost to 'watch over' the gals, that hen followed him up there. She sidled up next to him, stuck her next under his chest and was rubbing him.. then stuck her head between his legs.. Backed up a bit, pecked him on the top of the head and started all over again.. Followed him down and back up a few times repeating the process... he wasn't catching on. So far, he's managed to herd them, keep an eye on the other rooster.. show his girls that cherry tomatoes were food by picking them up and dropping them closer to the girls. But, other than his one fling when I actually put one out on the ground yesterday, he's not catching on very well. HA ha ha ha ha.
I hate those video games, people get obsessed.
That they do.

so I made the suggestion to boss lady that she should write down questions she had for the next vet visit for her dog (two weeks) especially pertaining to her son getting his pup soon and parvo and all that. Well. She told me she talked to someone at the rescue who said the clock starts all over again when the son gets his dog before she’s all fully vaccinated - so BossLady apparently has to play the floor is lava until bossson’s dog finishes the puppy shots because oh no what if bosslady’s dog tracks something in from going on a walk. apparently the rescue is super paranoid about parvo. I told her talk to your vet.

sigh. I give up. They’re going to have a heck of a time training and socializing if they insist their dog be in a bubble. But at least she admitted people were safe. I still haven’t gotten full love privileges yet but...hopefully. Soon.

coming home today was hard. Coming home to an empty least Nouget was being sociable. Or moochy.

Spa time. Was doing the beak count “uhh we’re missing one!” Everyone else was the other side of the yard.


Nouget you ham.


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