Granny's gone and done it again

Then if they dont show up for the chicks after say 2 days of hatch sell them to someone else for more money
Sounds good. If you can find customers. Guess I could grow them out if I don't. But there's the rub. Having a place to grow them out....
I was thinking a dollar a chick and they provide the eggs.

There's a lot to consider when doing this. I love hatching chicks, I look forward to it every Spring but when hatching someone else's eggs you need to make sure they're gathering and storing them properly and even then you need to make sure they're aware that you're not responsible for how many hatch. You wont be able to monitor them or know whether their eggs were shipped, how well their flock is cared for or anything.
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Sure quiet around here tonight .... I don't know whether we need new chickens or not. Nobody is laying. Waiting to see if my year-old EEs are going to start laying again or not. By the time they decide, I will be way behind as far as starting on my next batch of layers. 🙁. I got BA at the beginning of March last year. I figured they would be laying like crazy by now but they seem to be taking the winter off. How often do y'all start new flocks?
Every year some of them get replaced.
Sure quiet around here tonight .... I don't know whether we need new chickens or not. Nobody is laying. Waiting to see if my year-old EEs are going to start laying again or not. By the time they decide, I will be way behind as far as starting on my next batch of layers. 🙁. I got BA at the beginning of March last year. I figured they would be laying like crazy by now but they seem to be taking the winter off. How often do y'all start new flocks?

I'm only getting one egg per day right now. We had a Bobcat attack and ate my 3 young layers. I keep a handful of our old hens because they're pets and they teach the young ones the know because young chickens do stupid stuff and get eaten by Bobcats.
My oldest hen still lays the occasional egg. So for me I usually end up adding 3-5 hens and rehoming 3-5 hens every year but I don't rehome all and replace all because some are pets.
I think Wishings hens are the oldest I know. She added like 3 babies a few years ago. Thats IF I am remembering right. Im half scared to say stuff anymore because of my memory.

I have one 7 year old hen and the other old ladies are 3-4 years, they all still lay pretty well to be honest.
well I guess I will go and live on an island with the other non-mask wearing people.

Catch you some other time.
ohh I always wanted to live on a deserted island.
Robert refuses to wear them. Says right on the box it wont stop covid so I am up in the air about it. I have a terrible time breathing in one and No way I can stay home. I just do the best I can.

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