Granny's gone and done it again

Wish you were here now.
Had Robert talked into buying me a tree if I took him to town tomorrow for earth day then remembered his worker comes tomorrow.
Then you have to talk him into planting it for you. :rolleyes:
What kind of tree would you want?
I donate or boil up and feed back to the hens anything 2 weeks old or older.
I hold back eggs two to three weeks just to make hard-boiled eggs, 'cuz they're easier to peel than fresh. Those are my "golden oldies," no way I'm feeding to my animals! 😄
Then you have to talk him into planting it for you. :rolleyes:
What kind of tree would you want?
Peach ! He said Cherry. Cherry dont do well here though.He said the bloom is prettier. Its not. He also said he would plant. But not tomorrow cause its supposed to be cold. Tom told me too you cant plant in this weather. Ummm, ya you can !
We have a lot of spices. No sugar... I think there is flour in the freezer? I don't know why its there. Do people really keep flour that way?

some homemaid vanilla extract, though..

wonder what I could make with four, sugar, and vanilla extract.. Oh, and salted butter, and eggs. Baking powder, too.
Could make cookies with that and a little brown sugar. I keep both my flour and my sugar in the freezer, especially the whole wheat, to keep weevils from hatching. Sugar, because of ants.
started to say maybe we ARE related but then I read you know how to put out grease fire and well, I have set my oven on fire twice nd Robert had to put it out while I ran screaming in circles with my arms flapping in the breeze
That tears it. If you ever visit me, you are banned from my kitchen. You can sit in the dining room and chat with me!
Peach ! He said Cherry. Cherry dont do well here though.He said the bloom is prettier. Its not. He also said he would plant. But not tomorrow cause its supposed to be cold. Tom told me too you cant plant in this weather. Ummm, ya you can !
Wait just one second! My memory may suck, but aren't you the person who hates peaches? 🤨

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