Granny's gone and done it again

Seen em! :thumbsup

That doesn't sound good. Hopefully it's slow growing.

I thought it had mange. :oops:

Dharma looks beautiful and happy. Do the dogs enjoy showing?
Yes, but just like any training you have to make it fun. And you have to make them think they want to do it.
Then last night I get a call about 7pm from Robert at the farm per Rod's request. Piglet (almost a year old bull) managed to get a licks tub stuck on his head and Rod needed help. Called Mike to go with, we get out there and get Piglet into the small corral that's attached to the chute system. Piglet is throwing his head and tub around and must have knocked it "just right" on off the tub flys. Then had to fix the electric fence where he had been hitting it with the tub. Mike grabbed the tub and put it back where it belonged then Piglet decided to leave the corral and was headed towards the tub. When he saw it jumped a foot or better in the air did a 180* turn and ran past it with about a 10 ft distance between them. Back home by 10pm. Call the cops about midnight as some IDIOT was using a payloader/maintainer to do something a couple blocks away and the backup beeper was constantly going off. He quit about 1/2 after I called. INCONSIDERATE SOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poor Piglet! Bet he will never go near a tub again. What's actually in it? Salt, minerals? If it's stuff he needs, are you going to have to sprinkle it on his feed or what? Wish I coulda seen that flying pirouette though! :lau
:frow Evenin', everybody. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Hi, @ronott1, glad you've been joining us. My sourdough loaves turned out pretty good, thanks for all your help. I had a slice with chunky peanut butter and dill pickle slices for lunch today, it was wonderful!

My chicks from Cackle Hatchery are doing great. They'll be two weeks old tomorrow and amazingly, we have not had a single case of pasty butt in the bunch! Since it's been so hot here days, I think we are going to move them to the outside grow-out pen tomorrow. We'll put a heat source in the brooder for them at night. There are 18 of them. I'm excited about it!

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