Granny's gone and done it again

Pistachio looks like a sunny side up egg. Or an eyeball. Most unusual!
Don't know if she'd qualify for worker's comp unless it happened at work...

oh my goodness they're so cute!!! (I needed this today, rant to follow)


So...I'm work right now. After the sneaky letting go one foreman, turns out we let ANOTHER one go too today. But they couldn't be bothered to tell me that one until absolute last minute. They did it in an absolutely horrendous way too, they go to the job site while they're finishing up the pour, and tell him to unload his truck, they're taking the truck and so his wife came to pick him up. AT THE JOB SITE. IN FRONT OF HIS ENTIRE CREW, THE BUILDER, A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE IN THE INDUSTRY. Now this is a very passionate gentleman, I'm not going to say he's an angel, but he does hold a special place in my heart of foremens. So bossman tells me right when I was about to leave for the day to be ready for more instances like the foreman we let go yesterday (who I just finished up all his paperwork/final check/etc). So I, thinking he's teasing say "hey, don't forget who does all the grunt work you don't want to!" Apparently I have job security, but he tells me they're letting this other foreman go. I say today? yep right now. I say you do realize when you fire someone they're supposed to get their check right then and there right? So crap. Away I dig into my stuff to find his paperwork from last week, get his stuff entered, etc. Meanwhile bossman goes out for lunch. Other guesstimator leaves, leaving only other admin and I in the office. Low and behold, the foreman who just got canned shows up with his wife, they're both pretty upset (rightfully so). So I'm trying to talk to them, say look, they don't tell us anything, but no, it wasn't right that they did it like that...hang on I'm cutting your final checks right now...VP comes in, ESCALATES the situation everybody's all fired up, they leave right before I finish cutting the checks, so I kind of holler I'm almost done with the checks, do you want me to mail them? ok sure fine. RIGHT AFTER THEY LEAVE wouldn't you know bossman comes back.

(i've been speaking to both foremen since helping them out with some stuff so we're good at least)

I'm done. I'm seriously done. Just the two faced, petty bulltweety that goes on here...I seriously hope that I get one of the jobs I recently applied for and I now have zero guilt for.
Oh man, Star. Honestly, I wouldn't want to work for people like that either. Not only do they have no compassion, but they have no common decency and no integrity. I wouldn't put it past them to say to YOU one day to cut your own final check. Something bad wrong with these people. Cut your losses and run. Any other job would be better than this one, I'm thinking. You deserve better!
Yes, a song about LSD.
John Lennon steadfastly denied that Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about drugs. Lennon instead consistently claimed that the song was a response to a picture painted by his almost four-year-old son Julian.Mar 10, 2014
Aww, thank you sm! Mostly just filling out forms and reading syllabuses today. My teachers all seem pretty nice. Sadly I don't share any classes with anyone I know, but soon that'll change. Here's a toast to a good school year! 🍾🥂
A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet, Kiddo!

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