Granny's gone and done it again

Todays been a pretty trashy day. Relapsed again and feeling oddly normal. I honestly think this whole ED thing has grown on me. I don’t really care anymore. I know it’s a bad mindset, but I feel like change hurts more at this point. Sigh. My goal is to recover by Christmas, that’s why I mentioned it earlier.
Goodnight chickies, I’m gonna curl up with hubby on the sofa to watch some TV. I really really enjoy chatting with all of you, so glad I joined this BYC 😊
Grannie, sweetie, you’ll do just fine tomorrow I promise and SERIOUSLY show yourself some love by having a special lunch treat afterwards ok?
Todays been a pretty trashy day. Relapsed again and feeling oddly normal. I honestly think this whole ED thing has grown on me. I don’t really care anymore. I know it’s a bad mindset, but I feel like change hurts more at this point. Sigh. My goal is to recover by Christmas, that’s why I mentioned it earlier.
are you not eating or whats going on?
Goodnight chickies, I’m gonna curl up with hubby on the sofa to watch some TV. I really really enjoy chatting with all of you, so glad I joined this BYC 😊
Grannie, sweetie, you’ll do just fine tomorrow I promise and SERIOUSLY show yourself some love by having a special lunch treat afterwards ok?
I will, enjoy your evening. I enjoyed talking with you too

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