Granny's gone and done it again

Sucks, it’s filled with scary silence then random loud thump sounds-if you never were claustrophobic, you will be during and it which feels like it lasts forrrrever. Then waylay! it’s done and a tasty Reuben sandwich with fries & a lemonade-spiked or regular totally hit the spot after! 😉
I say it like it is, just so ya know. It’ll be alright and will be over soon enough. Please don’t fear what comes or doesn’t come with the results. Future you can handle anything 💪 💕
Lol, an MRI always puts me to sleep! I like the thumps and the weird noises, but I grew up practically next door to a train track. I find it comforting. You do have to breathe in breathe out, hold your breath, but not for long. Maybe that's what relaxes me, idk.
Diet is a huge part of it too. A lot of people over estimate exercise. Gotta starve fat and feed the muscle! Diet and exercise need to work together. Rooting for you Blue! You can do this!!
Yeah but I barely eat anything already as it is. And I eat healthfully, so I don't see how I can improve my diet. But I am very sedentary due to my feet, so the only thing I can really change is that exercise thing. The Man set up his Bowflex for me that's been gathering dust. I can work my core on it, and believe me, I am going to!

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