Granny's gone and done it again

I did a round of Methotrexate a few years back and had to give myself shots.
Like giving them a lot better.:thGot so tired of jabbing myself I taught my DH how to give shots. Never met a doctor that could give as good of a shot as a nurse can but by golly I married myself one who could! Now he gives the cat his insulin shots.

Told him if the need ever arose I would teach him how to do IMs next. No doubt he will ace it if and when I do.

Feel better, @h2oratt. You and your DH. Are you taking the Paxlovid?
Sorry for the delay. Took Sunday off from reality.

Scrub nurse is a nurse that assists a doctor or surgeon in a surgical procedure. In my case I was and Obstetrical scrub nurse. I was the nurse that handed the doctor instruments that he needed, sutures, hemostats, swabbed, helped with the baby after it was born, cut sutures, all the fun stuff.

Happy Monday everyone. Finally down to addressing the last Christmas card.

Have a hen with a paralyzed right foot from the hock down. Don't think it's MD. She's almost 4 years old. No injury, no sign of a fracture. It just don't work. She seems comfortable, Eating, keeping warm so I'm leaving her along and watching. Speculate that she has taken a fall and landed wrong from one of the roost bars. Should I put her down? Head sez yes, heart says no. Had to put so many down due to MD that I just don't have the heart. Plus she's a sweet little hen. Looks like a gold comet. Likes to talk to me and never has caused a moment's trouble.

Always the nice ones, isn't it?
Try giving her vitamin E and selenium. May be a deficiency.
She was 71 and had the most beautiful eyes. She played in cheers and look whos talking just to name a couple.
Kelley, Nimoy, Doohan, Nichols, Whitney and now Kirstie. Being a Trekkie since 1967, I always considered her to be Saavik even after she gave up the roll.

So few are left from that original series and movies. Makes me sad.
Try giving her vitamin E and selenium. May be a deficiency.
No vitamin E on hand but they have been getting BOSS in their scratch grain. Could she be low on calcium? Nobody is eating their layer pellets and well, nobody is laying so I can see why they don't want them but just wondering.

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