Granny's gone and done it again

Peanut laid eggs until she was eight years old, which is a year or two longer than average.
Did they say her breed?
Peach doesn't lay a lot of eggs. By the time the summer heat arrives, she and Monkey are done laying.
#1son blows out her eggs and is keeping them. She's been good therapy for him all these years, starting in grade school. First thing he'd do when he got home from school is find Peach (or she'd find him) and they'd have a little snuggle. Very sweet.
Did they say her breed?
Peach doesn't lay a lot of eggs. By the time the summer heat arrives, she and Monkey are done laying.
#1son blows out her eggs and is keeping them. She's been good therapy for him all these years, starting in grade school. First thing he'd do when he got home from school is find Peach (or she'd find him) and they'd have a little snuggle. Very sweet.
ya but I cant spell it. de lucche?
Puppy is to much work. Did you think Robert was up doing all he needed to do? A new dog is too much for you, IMO. A puppy you need to take out every hour during the day. If it is Robert’s dog the crate needs to be in his room. He is yo go everything for it. Plus you would need to take it to obedience class for at least the first year. The puppy needs to be socialized.
Yes, that what I said. Pups..too much work for her family.

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