Granny's gone and done it again

The Lord Of The Rings Request GIF by Maudit
Kinda makes me feel bad I havent read them. I didnt even know they were books
I'll be honest, I'm a very good reader and have always loved to read, but, ... as books, these made very good movies! I found them a bit of a slog, rather slow going. There was a lot of adventure, but there was even more detail. The adventurers were always stopping to eat and sing songs and tell stories - long, rambling histories of their ancestors - along the way. Made my eyes cross at times.
Fantasy, adventure, captivating. Dwarves, elves (very beautiful, powerful, immortal creatures), kings both noble and base, dragons, a mystic ring, and a noble, difficult quest carried out by hobbits ( short humans with big, hairy feet).
My daughter in law loves them.

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