Granny's gone and done it again

Yeah it surprised me too. There is a thread on here where some who keep kosher were asking what they could feed their birds during Passover. They were looking for grain-free feed. I asked questions and the thread went silent or at least I never got any more notifications.
It is just 2.5 days. I would think you could just feed bugs maybe.
Just got through with supper... I'm going to shower and hit my pillow soon. The chicks in the brooder, all 82 of them, got moved into a hoop house and after the brooder got a thorough disinfecting a new batch of chicks got move in. The cycle continues. I'm so tired my eyes are not focusing well right now on what I'm trying to type.
So here is a pic of one of my Gems. Expand it and check out the yellow toenails. I promise I did not paint them!


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