Granny's gone and done it again

ohh thats the ones with no tail. gotcha
That's..Auracana's. :) They have tufts instead of muffs. and no tail. (I've done so much hatching.) EE's are any mixed chicken that lays a light blue or blue/green egg...Easter Eggers can lay multiple different egg colors such as blue, green, white, pink, tan or dark brown eggs. But one thing to keep in mind, the color eggs one chicken lays will stay that same color throughout her lifetime. One way I could tell I would possibly get a coloured egg..EE, was they usually had a green tint to their legs. Americana's have slate legs, Grey. Lay blue eggs only.
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Cute! Where did you get this pic, Granny?

Don't understand, Granny. Why would you want to take him to dr just bc he can't find smokes and lighter? Is he more confused than usual? Do you think he has a UTI?
I got it from facebook. It didnt say whos it was
Tom hasnt smoked in 25 yrs.

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