Granny's gone and done it again

Man, I wanna hatch some chicks.
I lost one of my big male angels today. Lost the female to the same thing a while back. They were a mated pair and now I have a female alone in that tank but I am afraid to move her in case she gets the same thing. I dont know what the problem is but they both looked like a white worm coming out of their head.
Discus get that sometimes.
I see a roo in there. I see a barred rock or domerneck (sp) do you have silkies ? blue orph?
I have a steel gray EE AND A barred Holland Over a blk Orpingtons and a Delaware/orp, EE and ? I will take some pictures of them tomorrow. WE GOT A REAL DARK egg today. I would like to hatch out some of my prettier eggs.
evening Twist, how was your day?

good , busy but good. Laundry is finishing up, got the spot cleared out and cleaned up for the puppy box to get hauled in. AND I think everything ready for taxes just need to plug the numbers into the boxes on the Accountant questioner.

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