Granny's gone and done it again

I am back! But you guys are off to bed! The time-zone differences definitely show!

It was funny, but also annoying. I am fine with you guys laughing about it. :lau

BUT, someone was recently on the news because he (a grown man) was killed by a domesticated sow/possible boar, not sure exactly. Just goes to show that you can never be too careful around those creatures! I was trying to get out of the way of one of the sows, got my boot stuck, and tripped. Had my heart racing! She wasn't attacking me, but I sure didn't want to be in her way! I sometimes talk to the animals and I was telling her how heavy she was, and how she could easily push me in the mud if she wanted to. And yes h20, I AM calling her fat this time! :rolleyes:
You do want to be careful around those critters, Kiddo!
Good morning, Grannyland! 11° here, feels likke -4. Expected high, 26°, will feel like 12°F. Whee! Good day to sit by the fire. Made bread yesterday. It's kinda ugly but tastes marvelous. Honey wheat.

GirlChild living at home again, got out of relationship. It was kind of .... Not a healthy relationship. Between jobs again, too. Adulting is hard, lol. Glad to have her home, though.
I don't drink coffee. Used to.
Oh I need it. Between the office at quarter after six am on wednesdays and so on…and this week….the sleep madness - goose has been getting me up at night :/
your day finally winding down?
Finally. But goose still got me up a bunch between 2-3am. Transitioning him to adult chow and he seems to be taking it ok except overnight. Odd.
Good morning, Grannyland! 11° here, feels likke -4. Expected high, 26°, will feel like 12°F. Whee! Good day to sit by the fire. Made bread yesterday. It's kinda ugly but tastes marvelous. Honey wheat.

GirlChild living at home again, got out of relationship. It was kind of .... Not a healthy relationship. Between jobs again, too. Adulting is hard, lol. Glad to have her home, though.
Glad she’s got a safe space to go to with you :)

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