Granny's gone and done it again

They could just as easily say they didn't pay for the shower either. The people who set this all up should be responsible for the job in it's entirety unless they told you specifically they wouldn't pay for something.
I wont sign off on the work unless its done. I will also call my case manager. One thing I know is they cant uninstall something thats already attached to your house and I aint saying a word til their done.
No I haven't. I usually read historical fiction or autobiographies. Currently I'm reading two books; one is about this girl with PTSD, and an autobiography of a teacher who grew up with tourette syndrome. I'll check him out, there's never enough book recommendations!!
James Herriot is the pen name of a veterinarian who lived and worked in the Scottish Highlands in the early 20th century, I believe. Mostly he did large farm animals with the occasional small animal as needed. His stories are well told, entertaining and fascinating. I'm sure you'll enjoy them!
Granny look! I didn't think there was enough cartilage to make good broth, but look... it jelled!
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2 quarts plus a bit extra. Freezing one for later. The dogs will be happy campers this month.
Scooter is still doing fine.
that looks so good. I wish I had me some! Im glad Scooter is feeling better
Asking ya'll for help,

I'm not home for Lunch time most days, but the days that I am, I'm not allowed to touch the lunch food. My parents said "if you're not in school, you cant have the lunch food'"

Okay, problem is, when I buy myself food, everybody BUT me eats it.

I can't keep it in my room, no food allowed outside of the kitchen

My parents don't really help me tell my sisters off when they take my food.

Any other ideas?
I thought about putting all my food in a bin in the fridge pantry, but I think that would draw more attention to my food, and they're little raptors, they don't care they'll eat it.

I tried hiding it and one of them always figures out where I hid my stuff

ya'll help, I'm spending 50-60 bucks a week on lunch/snacky/grab and go type breakfast food and I only consume about 50% of it

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