Granny's gone and done it again

I Think ? chickens are born with all the eggs they will ever lay and no amount of light will give you more eggs in the long run. I also feel like they should be allowed to take a natural break.
I have let my chickens take a natural break before and only once gave them supplemental light (last year). The years they took a break, we had virtually no eggs from about late August (molt) to early March. Giving them light in mid to late January only starts them laying a few weeks early, as they didn't actually start laying until about mid-February. We increased their light gradually, not abruptly. If we lived further south, this would have been a natural light cycle for them, so there was nothing cruel about it.
I have let my chickens take a natural break before and only once gave them supplemental light (last year). The years they took a break, we had virtually no eggs from about late August (molt) to early March. Giving them light in mid to late January only starts them laying a few weeks early, as they didn't actually start laying until about mid-February. We increased their light gradually, not abruptly. If we lived further south, this would have been a natural light cycle for them, so there was nothing cruel about it.
No one mentioned cruelty. I just feel like they should be kept as naturally as possible. 7 months with no eggs?

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