Granny's gone and done it again

Hello! Been a LONG time since I have been on this thread. Hope everyone is doing alright and getting ready for winter.

Not much with me, moved to a new town few months ago and have even more chickens lol. Come spring I should have about 70 chickens! I know I have a chicken addiction.. but I have never claimed it was a problem.
I agree and avoid them at all cost. I have only had two small cans in my lifetime. I also agree that they don't even taste good.
Dangit now I can’t remember what we’re referring to.
If I were a millionare none of us would need to cook.
I’d still want to!
Thanksgiving in North Dakota? I'll pass. Not driving in no blizzard at 50 below zero!

John Candy No GIF by Laff
But that’s how you know you’re alive!!!
I forget and do them only when something makes me think about it. No commercials at my place. Have TV but it sets on its stand and is only used when we watch something from my computer showing on it and that's been over a year ago now. Doing some now and then I'm napping. My wife may remind me when she gets home from a trip for groceries. She went to check out a new Aldis store. She's looking for good buys on canned tomatoes being we didn't get any put up this year. If there is a next season then we will put up 144 quarts of tomatoes plus make at least 60 quarts of sauce. At least 48 quarts of flat beans too.
Aldi’s is my guilty pleasure.

Got a showing today. Luckily Kira seems to be ok with our realtors wrangling her on showings during work times. Though ugh. These work day showings are the worst cause mornings are the devil to begin with and add sparklizing house to the morning chores…guarantee you aren’t gonna have a good time.

Got into it with some friends too this weekend. Ugh. Thanksgiving could be interesting if we’re even still invited. Will tell more on that one later.

Parents fly in Wednesday soooo safe to say I’m as stressed as they come right meow.

Oh and our homeowners insurance? That doubled last year…went up another 600 dollars per year.

Someone buy my house!!!!
Star I feel for you. The ghosts of our last move from TN down here to this little farm are still hanging around in my head. It was so hard to know what to expect but in the end it was a dream come true. A buyer came in with a brief case and paid cash. We asked a price that we knew no one would pay but this buyer paid more than we expected.

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