Granny's gone and done it again

Yes. Don't set multiple yolk eggs because getting one to hatch if like finding a hen's tooth.
I had a broody hen hatch a double yolker, it was her own egg. I knew it was a double yolker when she went broody, but decided to let her try it. She was brooding eight eggs and ended up with nine chicks. They were both cockerels and stuck together from the very first, they were almost identical in looks and temperament. Their mother was a broiler and the sire was a dark Cornish.
so I have heard that S.T.O.P. can stand for 3 things other than the actual word

1) according to my mother, Start Tromping On Pedal

2) Start Taking Off Pants

3) Squeeze T@#@ On Passenger.

anyone else have any others ??
Skid Tires On Pavement

-7, windy and blowing snow only -25 wind chill.
They have had black outs, brown outs just from the shear # of people trying to stay cool. The population increase in the US has put a strain on infrastructure as well as natural resources that are non renewable like wood products.
Look at the sheer number of immigrants arriving in Texas every day! It's insane!
I cant see where it matters now because Im not going back unless I have to.
I don't blame you in the least. :hugs You know my disinclination toward seeing a dr. Seems the heart dr should be communicating with your general dr (or your NP) and they go through the insurance co to get you what you need.
You shouldn't have to be seen by anyone else for this.
People always think the Presidents are in charge of the oil company's and gas prices. They aren't. I pray for all of the presidents/government even though I don't like them as we've been asked to. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
Presidents can make executive orders that go into place without any congress approval. Current president has done many that I don’t agree with.the Supreme Court has to knock them back as unconstitutional..
Don't know. I know some that can stand flat footed and eat off of a plate on a dining table. I've heard of some Brahma chickens that are suppose to be over 15lbs. Never had seen them or even a picture of them and the man that told me of them relocated with his job down in FL before I could get back to him for more information.
Oh no. Chickens that can counter surf.

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