Granny's gone and done it again

No rest for some of us,sick or not.
I was going to ask you about your husband's knee surgery. Knee..right? Did he have to go through a lot of imaging to make a surgeon feel right about operating? A d did he have a full knee replacement? Sorry if you've explained. I've been in and out Foggy brain for the past two months.
I was going to ask you about your husband's knee surgery. Knee..right? Did he have to go through a lot of imaging to make a surgeon feel right about operating? A d did he have a full knee replacement? Sorry if you've explained. I've been in and out Foggy brain for the past two months.
Yes full knee. Not much imaging. MRI and a bunch of knee X-rays. He was bone on bone they say. Surgeons are not the ones to ask. Of course they want to. cut on you. Main problem was getting all the referrals. He had gone back to break up all the scar tissue three times on one knee. Once so far on the second knee.
It got down to 52 in here where Im sleeping. We are freezing yall The pain Im having is surreal . I wish there were somewhere to go.
Do they have a warming station in your town ?

Too bad you don’t have a church that could help you out. You need yo stay in a smaller room with your space heater. Drink hot stuff.
This is the note for the Easter Egger chickens from the hatchery. It will turn up sooner or later. 1 out of hundred is not bad by $'s and sense but when you have to put down one that can't eat that is hard.
NOTE: It should be noted that this breed has an inherent genetic beak issue. 1 out of 100 chicks as they grow may have some variance in severity of scissor beak/cross beak.
Only have had a few EEs and no beak problems. Bigger trouble is they seem to be harder to sex. 20% accuracy on sexing for these. For me it's been closer to 50%. My feed store poultry guy says they get more cockerel returns for EEs than any other breed.
That being said, they are still one of my favorites. They're quiet too.

If my ribs arent broken why do they keep popping?
It's the cartilage. Try to move so it doesn't pop. Too painful!

Its a balmy 54 in here. Its starting to break daylight.
We are not using the furnace this winter. Costs too much. 55⁰ inside at night is pretty standard for us. More blankets!

Is there any way you could prop yourself upright on your bed? Lots of pillows and blankets? Maybe warmer in there.

Covering your windows at night will help keep it warmer. We hang blankets or tape paper over windows with no blinds or drapes. It helps!
Also, if you have outer doors that don't have a good seal, maybe Robert, with Tom's help, can take that on as a project when he's feeling better. At the very least, you can put a rolled towel along the bottom of a door if the cold is coming through. I have to do that with our garage door. We need a new seal for it... some day. :rolleyes:

Freezing Warm Up GIF by MOODMAN
Do they have a warming station in your town ?

Too bad you don’t have a church that could help you out. You need yo stay in a smaller room with your space heater. Drink hot stuff.
True about a church. So many of our members would be right over if someone was in this situation. :)
Just bought a new fire alarm. Ours hasn't worked in a while. :oops: And a fire extinguisher. Took the new extinguisher out of the box and the pin fell onto the floor. Now mind you, I've never had to use one so I was thinking..I'll just put that back on. I put it in the two holes. Fell out. Thought I was doing it wrong. So I pushed the handle down to line up the holes there. Surprise!! I now know how it works! The kids were laughing. Of course I let off the handle as soon as the sink area where I was pointing it was all white. Thank goodness I didn't have it pointed at my face as it was right in there trying to line up those holes. 😳 I'm thinking it was not done right. That you pull ..pull..the ring out so you can push the handle down. 🙄 Ring won't stay in but I put the extinguisher where I had the old one. Thought it was expired. Austin went out and tested it. It worked, but the spray was quite yellow. Not sure if that means it wouldn't work as well or not. Keeping the other one there for a while longer. Now the stuff I sprayed was a pretty white. 😂
Wishing, You can see your breath in my bedroom. Probably in the 30s. Tom and I are both on blood thinners. That dont help. My doors and windows are sealed but cant seem to close off this room. The doorways are bigger then a queen sheet. What do they call it? Open concept? I am just miserable here. If it wasnt for leaving Tom and Robert alone I would go back to the er and beg them to admit me.

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