Granny's gone and done it again

Good evening everyone. It's been a hectic day but finally got cardiologist appointment over with and next appointments made for farther testing. Picked up chicken feed and fertilizer and another tray of tomato plants on the way home. Got home in time to do chores with the chickens and then build the bed for sweet potatoes to be planted on tomorrow evening after the sun get low. This is the first time we are planting Covington variety of sweet potatoes. Just need to get the cornstarch film mulch down that will warm the ground and keep the weeds down long enough for them to get the ground covered. Didn't take a picture as it was getting dark when we came in. Ma was cultivation the onion bed near where I was working.
What is this?Will it kill honeysuckle ?
No. It will not kill anything. It's simply a black film that comes in a roll than covers the ridge the sweet potato plants are planted in. It warms the ground being it is black and helps hold the ridge in place keeping the soil loose for the potatoes to form in. In the old days we only had a black plastic that was a pain to dispose of but now this turns back into soil as it is organic in nature. It biodegrades back to the plant substances it is made from unlike crude oil plastic. I'm going to try brown paper mulch next year that comes on a roll. It may allow for moisture absorption better. Don't know until I try them side by side. I'll post a picture for you tomorrow night after the plants are in the ground.

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