Granny's gone and done it again

Once food is prepared is it not processed? I think sometimes it might be a matter of who does what that determines processing. If I pickle beets from the home garden I would think they are processed. French fries at home and salted or even potato salad should be processed. If it is fully raw and eaten as a fresh tomato or piece of fruit that is what I considered unprocessed and my stomach does the processing or at least some of it. :)
The only time I see TV is when in a waiting room at the docs office or similar. I do watch some learning stuff from YouTube channels I like. It's been decades since we paid for cable.
I sometimes wish we didnt have it but I bet Im the only one here that does. Of course I do like watching the naked people. lol
I sometimes wish we didnt have it but I bet Im the only one here that does. Of course I do like watching the naked people. lol
I can find better things for those dollars as in vegetable seed, fertilizer, and chicken feed. :). I can watch old movies on our TV set by linking YouTube to it. Haven't done that in a long time.
Have you seen any snakes around the blackberries? My GMs bb used to be their favorite hangout.
None. I've only seen one small black snake since we have been here. I think there was a snake stealing eggs from one of the coops. Now we don't leave any over night. If I could get some used gold balls cheap I'd make them smell like eggs and put them where the eggs disappeared from and she if a snake would eat those.
Once food is prepared is it not processed? I think sometimes it might be a matter of who does what that determines processing. If I pickle beets from the home garden I would think they are processed. French fries at home and salted or even potato salad should be processed. If it is fully raw and eaten as a fresh tomato or piece of fruit that is what I considered unprocessed and my stomach does the processing or at least some of it. :)
I am talking about prepackaged food, not food you prepare at home.

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