Granny's gone and done it again

Try drinking salt water. It seems to be helping
I just ate a well salted tangerine. I'm still using my powdered electrolytes in a bottle of water. I've kept my empty Gatorade bottles and have filled them with Brita filtered water for the electrolytes. I think that saves some money over buy Gatorade and I like the mixed berry formula better than the Gatorade orange.
OR name it Scott, Scott's a good name. :D
lol pretty sure if we were going to have an oops baby it would have already happened.
Won't this also make him responsible for making the payments?
You can have someone on the title but not on the mortgage. Hubs and I are both on the title but only I am on the mortgage. Not having him on the mortgage though could come back and bite you if he can’t qualify, or they change terms.
Mortgage rates are high now. I hope they go backdown when we get this country back on track
Tell me about it. 7.1 for mine. Oof. Thank gosh it’s a relatively small amount - not sure how the heck people are doing it nowadays.
I just ate a well salted tangerine. I'm still using my powdered electrolytes in a bottle of water. I've kept my empty Gatorade bottles and have filled them with Brita filtered water for the electrolytes. I think that saves some money over buy Gatorade and I like the mixed berry formula better than the Gatorade orange.
How much sodium is in a thing of the Walmart powder
lol pretty sure if we were going to have an oops baby it would have already happened.

You can have someone on the title but not on the mortgage. Hubs and I are both on the title but only I am on the mortgage. Not having him on the mortgage though could come back and bite you if he can’t qualify, or they change terms.

Tell me about it. 7.1 for mine. Oof. Thank gosh it’s a relatively small amount - not sure how the heck people are doing it nowadays.
Ours is at 2 percent
Granny are you any better? I didn't sleep as all I can think about is all the stuff I need to be doing. I must go into town for gas for the tractor and tiller. Need to till over the okra patch ground again a lot deeper so I can plant it. Need to drive a few stakes in the blackberry rows and stretch a twine that will hold them up so we can pick them and also till between the rows as that is were I will plant more summer peas.
As far as energy no but I did take Robert shopping. I spent the last $ we had. Hopefully we can get by with the food we have. I only bought creamer for myself because I feel like if I at least have coffee for the rest of the month I will be good. It may not be the things I like to eat but there will be food here. On the bright side I dont have to walk thru walmarts for the rest of the month! :celebrate

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