grannys gone and done it

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well, at least I was right about the fish. LOL Same one we were talking about. You still here Shell ?

Robert did a good job taking pics! I'll bet he enjoyed it. If it was my kid I gave $60 to, I would be sitting on the edge of his bed poking him until I got a report full of details and gratitude! That's how I earned my Meanest Mom in the World badge!
He always did take good pictures. Interesting to see it through his eyes. The skulls must of fascinated him. Not something I would of took a pic. of.
Oh, and a big thing that hit the news today- Third most common cause of death (after heart disease and cancer) is "medical error." All the mistakes made when practicing medicine!!!
See? I figure I don't go, I will live a lot longer! Unless one of those first two things get me.
Robert is spoiled . When he was little he got corrected a lot for things he couldnt control. I felt really bad. after much testing and a ton of reading I sit down to learn what I could do to help not hurt. I dont care they he is spoiled. It bothers me not. I still push and fuss and try to advance him but he now learns better on his own then anything I can do for him.
He is awake. He said he had a good time. He didnt pet the sharks. LOL
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