grannys gone and done it

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Maybe I should just give chicks to my broodies. I'm going to try to give them eggs tomorrow. :fl

I've tried to do this 3 other times with different hens, and failed every time.  :(    I finally figured out I wasn't waiting long enough in the broody cycle.  Buster is way overdue.  She was so sweet with them.  :love

Same. These have been setting forever. Maybe I'll just drop chicks out there after I let everyone else out. See if anyone jumps down to tend them. ;)

These chicks are at least 5 days old.  I'd always heard you need day old hatchlings for it to work, but Buster wasn't fussy.  I've heard of other hens taking even older chicks, so I think it has a lot to do with the individual hen. 

I'm sooo happy!  No brooder or heating to worry about. No trouble introducing them.  Buster can do all the work!   Easy peasy.   Hope she's a good mom!  :fl

I had a broody once that lost a chick. I think it was two weeks old. So I gave her one from the brooder. She didn't care at all. Poor chick, though, didn't know how to follow a mama. After about a day I couldn't tell it from the ones she hatched.
But I've already done that before. I want to try something new.
thats awesome. her taking them like that. adoption at its finest.
Hi Twist
She didn't even try to bite me or anything. She was listening to them cheeping in their box and started making mommy noises. I just set them in front of her. Actually had to show the chicks to go under. They didn't know what to do.

congrats there wish

finished replacing all the burnt out bulbs on the lights out side, clear Christmas type BUT it does the trick.
You sure have been busy. Do you keep veggie gardens in town and out at the ranch? I know you call it a farm, but yak ranch sounds better.
thats all I had today was a cup of broth and water.

Wishing, I only mention this because I dont know. The holes in the cage are big enough for the babies to get out and wander out . will something get them or how do you keep them in ?

Twist, I bet your glad your done !
well sort of
I want to pull the old , rotting, and falling down wooden windbreak and replace it, I think I have enough tin saved up from all the other building we have removed. and Then re-do the fencing around the old horse barn and the chute.
I have a large garden spot at the "Ranch" for things that need lots of room and taters and stuff that doesn't need a lot of attention, I am thinking about "converting" a couple of the raised garden beds in the back yard to perienial flowers.
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well sort of
I want to pull the old , rotting, and falling down wooden windbreak and replace it, I think I have enough tin saved up from all the other building we have removed. and Then re-do the fencing around the old horse barn and the chute.

LOL I know your not done done, you never are. I just meant you can move them now. I bet that will be awesome to see.
yes but I have a quandary about that as well since I think a couple of the cows are close to calving and I really do NOT want them doing that in the big pasture will be to hard to keep an eye on the mom's and calves to make sure everything is going right. Might move the whole clan down to the tit tho.
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