grannys gone and done it

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This will calm you



Do you have ther some Shrike spices?

Yes.  I don't know much about them.  They look more like songbirds, but I believe they hunt lizards and mice.  Maybe small birds too.

They are from the song bird order, and indeed they are some aosome (ausome, Osome, usome? Your English......) hunters!

Yes, I just looked them up, and it said they are predatory songbirds!  2 types in California.

English is AWESOME!  :D

Yes AWESOME for English speakers. ......
Quote: They do! I once saw one digging out a mole!

I would like to import one to sit out in my shed for a week or so. Some rats have moved in that we need to get rid of. Get a cat!

I have 2 cats. One has no fangs and the other is a sissy. They both stay indoors.

Ming is tiny. I think a rat could beat her up!

Henry has huge teeth, but he is not much of a hunter.

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