grannys gone and done it

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Going to farm in am to work on cleaning out the metal pit and a new company took over the recycling center and are accepting stuff the old co would not.
I like that none of them have the white extending over their eyes. Looks better with dark hair around dark eyes. The white mark on 19's side kind of looks like a T-bone. Hope it's not prophetic. All the good care will give her a better chance of having a precious baby.

How was the meeting of the herds? Any bullying/problems?
I like that none of them have the white extending over their eyes. Looks better with dark hair around dark eyes. The white mark on 19's side kind of looks like a T-bone. Hope it's not prophetic. All the good care will give her a better chance of having a precious baby.

How was the meeting of the herds? Any bullying/problems?

they have been sharing a fence line since I got them so they were safely and slowly introduced to each other and Porter runs a tight ship
Quote: Ahh... the strong silent type... or maybe just snoozing...

Bet you have some sore fingers/hands from all that.

Wishing, How did your trip go ? It must o been a long way.
It was an hour and a half each way. On the way back, I stopped at a Ross to look around. Got some t-shirts for the menfolk. The traffic was bad coming back, so I decided to also stop at an antique shop to look at doo-dads. Not really antiques (too expensive) but "vintage" .... fancy name for old junk! I got a cute miniature figurine of a goose $3!
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