grannys gone and done it

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Two Crows, people have been asking after your flock. Was wondering what the trouble was. With chickens, everything's great until it isn't.
Wishing, the flock is doing well now. I am not sure what the actual issue was but I got them all through it. However one of them is still lagging behind, an older hen. I am working on her and time will tell if she completely recuperates too.

Thanks for asking!
I was reading about training your dog to be a guard dog. they say protective dogs dont come naturally they have to be trained. they go on about how to wear a glove and start hitting your dog. terrible. That cant be true .
It's not true. There's a right way and that ain't it. Still reading to catch up, got done with the shoer, waited for ya'll to get lively, granny was watching movies everyone else went away! Love Stephen King, never finished the clown one. IT? Too creepy. Clown phobia. No blood or guts for me on TV.
Granny, and Yorkshire and Wishing "My family cant even decide what they want to eat and I hate that. I dont want to be responsible for someone elses happiness. I tell them all the time they need to get some omph in their @ss. Its easy to leave things to someone else so you can blame them when it dont go right. much harder to be on the other end. X4!!! Figure it out! Grow a set! Live your life! Or don't, but making you enjoy your life is not my responsibility.

grr. 60 posts behind again.
Leyla, there is a post that red wanted someone to look at . wishing has been staling her til someone could come with some ideas. the post is rooster cant stand. Mind taking a peek?
Leyla, there is a post that red wanted someone to look at . wishing has been staling her til someone could come with some ideas. the post is rooster cant stand. Mind taking a peek?
Her rooster can't stand? How far back in these pages? Or did she post in the emergency section?
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