GRAPHIC- Beyond the point of no return.. hours old chick's intestines falling out?


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 16, 2018
FoCo, Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
I have no clue what to do.. I had two chicks hatch over night and on inspection at 5am, everything was seemingly normal. Further inspection at 8:30AM, I am dealing with a dieing chick! It is rapidly breathing, and made a few cheeps, and then pushed to get up and more intestines came out. I am assuming this little fellow is beyond the point of no return. He smells and I have read some other threads but none had pictures to see if it was suffering from the same thing. Has anyone else had this problem? He was in a long skinny Easter Egger egg, was supposed to be an Olive Egger. My only one from the batch. Needless to say Im devastated for multiple reasons...


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Oh no! I've had this problem, but never to such an extent. It's definitely a hole in the chick then? Not just extra blood vessels? I really don't know what to say... :fl
I have no clue what to do.. I had two chicks hatch over night and on inspection at 5am, everything was seemingly normal. Further inspection at 8:30AM, I am dealing with a dieing chick! It is rapidly breathing, and made a few cheeps, and then pushed to get up and more intestines came out. I am assuming this little fellow is beyond the point of no return. He smells and I have read some other threads but none had pictures to see if it was suffering from the same thing. Has anyone else had this problem? He was in a long skinny Easter Egger egg, was supposed to be an Olive Egger. My only one from the batch. Needless to say Im devastated for multiple reasons...
Yes, that looks like prolapsed intestines gone even worse. :hugs I am sorry. He's a goner, I believe. I would end his suffering now.
I agree on euthanization, I don't think he'll improve. I have a feeling he might have not completely absorbed the yolk or something pulled the navel off, but that's just going from other posts on issues like this, never so bad though. I'm sorry:hugs
Thanks everyone on the quick reply. He died almost immediately after I posted. On further examination, It looks probably like the chick that was in there with him pecked at maybe an incomplete absorption of the yolk. If that makes any sense. I am wondering if the egg shell itself had anything to do with the incomplete absorption part. It was very long and narrow. I will most likely not be incubating those types of eggs again, because of this situation. Maybe that's drastic, but oh my lord my heart.

Phoenixheart14- It was definitely a hole. He did hatch himself completely. It was dark when I checked them at 5AM with just a little flash light and they were sleeping so I am not sure to what extent anything was hanging out at that point. There was definitely not the mess I found at 8:30AM at that time though.

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