**Graphic** pic. food stealing varmit, chicken killer ** GRAPHIC**

this might be a dumb question,, but do coons eat chickens? or do they cause other problems?

where i live, all i have to deal with are snakes and hawks..

a lady downt the road had a problem with a opossum once before. but thats not common.

some of my chickens arent even locked up at night.. they just roost in the horse/goat barn. i keep a light on them at night.

for three years nothing has ever happened to them. (except when a couple of chicks get eatin by snakes. but they were locked up)

You've been lucky. I just started with chicks this year (April), got 25, only have 7 left. The killing started 2 weeks ago. Locked the birds back up but the racoons had an appetite by then, have moved them inside a camper house until we catch all of the varmits.

Yes racoons will kill them and hardly leave anything behind (feet and wings). We have trapped 2 racoons in the last week.

What surprised me was the racoon in an attempt to excape was able to get through a hole about the size of a silver dollar.
Please come get mine! It got into my run and then chicken shed, and killed 2 of my Pekin Ducks. Now everybody is in lockdown
Oh man, you guys are not making me feel better. The chicks are in the coop for the first night tonight.

I just sat 2 FEET from 2 fat raccoons on my porch, porch light on, DH and I chatting away with only the screen door between us and these two raccoons. They barely even looked up at us as they polished off the cat food. BRAZEN!

I'm hoping if they are full of cat food, they won't try to break into the coop?

Ok, I gotta go check on the chicks (again) BRB.
:/If you feed them they might breed or bring friends over for dinner though, with not enough cat food to go around

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