Grass Clippings???


9 Years
Jun 11, 2010
Does anyone put grass clipping in there run to give there chicks something to peck at, play with and eat?
Yup, when I had grass to clip.... and before I started letting the chickens range freely outside their run.

I would even bend over and pull particularly fresh looking new grass for 'em. (It's important they get short bits, not longer grass.)
It's also important that the grass not have been treated with any pesticides or chemicals. Just nice, fresh, cut grass. They love to play in it, and eat it.
I do! I'm still amazed that they actually eat it; I thought they just ate regular chicken food, bugs & leftovers. I thought that all their scratching was what got rid of the grass...silly, I know, but I'm still learning...
I take a pair of scissors out with me everyday so I can cut them some fresh grass. Also, every time I mow the lawn I put huge piles of grass in their run. They love to scratch in it.
i give them clippings, i have heard of impacted crops full of undigested grass so make sure they have free ranged enough to have grit in there to digest the grass, they do love it though! Mine come running when they hear the mower, they are not scared of it, silly girls
we just got a new lawn mower... made sure we got one that had a bag attachment... and this past saturday i filled up the bag and dumped it all in the run... they love it!

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