Grass for geese


6 Years
Jul 5, 2013
I have 4 tufted buff's born on May 20th. I was moving them around in a cage on my lawn to keep them on grass and away from dog and predators but they got to big for it. (4'x8') Not to mention it wasn't very great looking for the lawn. So i moved them into my coop. It is a two part coop with two runs measuring 11'x22'. They have a kiddy pool and plenty of room but no grass now.
So my questions are
a) what kind of grass would be best to plant in the runs. I have considered sod even though it will probably run around $200 for the entire project.
b) is there any kind of fodder like alfalfa or grain hay i should be giving them while the grass grows.
Also does anybody know how long it takes for them to start laying eggs, and what kind of nesting materials or box i should provide them?
I can't tell you for certain which grass would be your best bet. I have 13 geese who free range during the day and are housed in a covered run at night with my ducks. My geese eat anything and everything in sight. An all purpose poultry feed might work for your geese. Mine like a mixture of the layer rations with the all flock I feed my ducks and chickens as well as grazing our property. We stay away from alfalfa and other hays since our birds aren't too keen on them. Other people may have had better luck getting theirs to eat hays. As for the egg production my year old Africans are laying and I would keep an eye out for them to start laying around August, September or somewhere around then. Our birds all use straw bedding to lay in or they build nests out of the grass growing in our yards. Waterfowl generally lay in the mornings and we have found several eggs in the kiddie pools and water troughs we have for them. Also I believe that geese are primarily seasonal layers. Others with more experience may have some better answers for you. Good luck finding what will work for you and your flock.
Info on fodder.

I have been planting perennial rye grass for my geese. they seem to like it and the blades are soft and narrow, which I understand long thick blades of grass can cause impaction. Now if I can only convince the chickens to quit scratching it up.
Very pretty geese!! I love the nice large area they have. I asked my roommate who owns the property we live on. He has kentucky blue grass planted in the yard and the geese love it. The rest of the property still has whatever was originally there growing wild. My geese go wild eating it up when we cut it.
Lovely enclose for your geese. But geese are fowl and need waterfowl or game bird feed. For the first 3 weeks they need waterfowl or game bird grower feed. But mainly they need to eat grass and dandelion leafs. They are great for them!!! But also need chick grit when eating greens. If you have no grass give romaine lettuce, kale. At 3 weeks change over to adult waterfowl or game bird feed. But the main diet is grass.
Geese are veggie eaters. NO spinach though!!! Too much Iron for geese.
Lovely enclose for your geese. But geese are fowl and need waterfowl or game bird feed. For the first 3 weeks they need waterfowl or game bird grower feed. But mainly they need to eat grass and dandelion leafs. They are great for them!!! But also need chick grit when eating greens. If you have no grass give romaine lettuce, kale. At 3 weeks change over to adult waterfowl or game bird feed. But the main diet is grass.
Geese are veggie eaters. NO spinach though!!! Too much Iron for geese.
Last night I was hunting earth worms with my ducklings/ducks looking under rocks etc. when here comes Missy my goose she had to get in on the worms also, she also likes dried meal worms. My gander wouldn't touch them with a 10' pole. And question RURU what if you can get water fowl feed? I have to feed Purina Flock Raiser which says is for all fowl but I always feel I'm not giving them what they need the waterfowl feed,. I may have to beg my feed store to get me some but I doubt it will work.
I personally feed an all flock/BOSS/whole oat mix to the waterfowl that are old enough to be off baby food. They are on pasture all day.

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