Gravity feeder

Only problem is with 10 birds... it will take forever to go through this bag!:barnie
I started fermenting mine, and I put the new stuff in the dry feeder, and I put the dry feeder in at night or bad weather if I won’t get out there to refill the slop. They love that food once it is fermented and I go thru it way faster, which everyone says is the opposite of what happens when you ferment. But whatevs, they love it and don’t waste it so I’m happy.
Same as mine, but the price went up, I bought in like March and it was 25 bux.

At least I’m not the only one who had issues. Mine didn’t get stuck until I moved them outside, it was the humidity I think.

also in comparison to this feed fermented, and the new feed, they hate this crap dry.

My birds are in my AC climate controlled bedroom so I'm not suspecting humidity to be the issue here...

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