Great Argus pheasant pair


10 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Winona Tx
This is something I have been wanting for several years this is a 2010 hatch pair I just got. They will be kept in this pen for the winter and moved to a larger pen in the spring.

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WOW! I didnt know that there were any Great Argus in the States?! That is great, I have seen old pictures of them, and they are huge! Where did you get them? Are you going to sell the eggs?
The Crested Argus are the ones not here. I dont think anyone would take the chance of shipping eggs of such rare birds. And Im betting he wants to grow up any babies. Thats always the fun and challenges of getting new birds. It is for me anyways.
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I really just love these birds they are real calm and will just about eat out of your hand. There is several breeders in the US that has them but are still rare and the price is still high. It will be atleast 2 more years before I get any eggs if i'am lucky and hope to raise some. I will not sell any eggs I don't think you will find anyone that will sell any eggs.

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