Great Depression of 2016

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I am afraid Dennis is still AWOL.

Yes, the Chinese are taking control of the precious metal markets just as I said they would. Yes, the bankers are manipulating the price of gold and silver just as I said they were. And this is all to give the US dollar a false value and conceal our national bankruptcy.

Check the Kitco sites for gold and silver. As soon as the market opens on the east coast, they start selling paper gold and silver to depress the price. Now, it seems that they are having problems doing this. A Ponzi scheme is dependent upon a constant flow of suckers. It appears they have run out of the suckers with money.

When all of those people holding paper gold and silver want their wealth in actual metal, the COMEX will collapse.

Without the ability to fund the EBT and SNAP cards, the government leaves the nation at the mercy of the mobs of those addicted to the opium of social welfare. And, that is a large part of our society.

This current computer glitch gives us a peek into our future.

We have to admit, the economic recovery never happened. We just began eating our crop seed.

Worse, the government is importing hordes of Middle Eastern refugees that the tax payers will have to support. And along with these folks comes the terrorists. It will become dangerous to go to a bar, attend church or a sporting event or any thing that creates a crowed situation.

Yes, there are hard times ahead. And it is because people voted for those that said we could have it all without working.
That is scary, but ringing with the truth. If anyone has to space, investing in small livestock would be a smart move. Not "show" stock that requires grain and lots of chemical worming to look their best, but old heritage breeds that can get by on forage, produce their young and raise a lamb, kid, piglet or calf for you to eat. Even chickens or other poultry would be better than nothing. Plant fruit trees now, plant grapes and berries. Even in a surburban setting, flower beds can produce food.

I think this is the way alot of people are thinking. More and more are at least starting to find way to produce from their own land. Not only because of whats coming down the road, but the current prices. Last year cantaloups two for $3. Today same two are $5. My husband moved to SC almost a year ago. We just got chickens, he has started orchard and garden. Plan to clear 1.6 acres more and build more. Like greenhouse made out of plastic bottles.

The really upsetting part for me is, everyone has debates over uses or bathroomsl and civil rights, while genocide of Christians us declared in Middle Eat. They are HERE now, and my owb freinds discount it.
Yes, I find it strange that ISIS is cutting off heads by the dozen and Alcaida is setting off bombs almost daily, but yet CNN and MSNBC are fixated on who can pee where. I don't care who uses the toilet, just be clean and fast about it.
Since when was the mass media a trusted source of information? It's all manipulated and controlled. All other civilisations before us fell, why wouldn't we? Europe is already starting to fall with the migrant crisis and everything. Eh who even knows anymore, the world is crazy.
Actually, there was a time in my life when we trusted what we read in the newspapers and the news we heard on the radio. We were naive maybe.
Mussolini said that paper never refuses ink. Unfortunately, it appears he was correct.

It appears that the mission of the media has moved from information to indoctrination. It is not news so much now as propaganda. It appears that everyone in the media is on some sort of crusade. Sad!
I used to get up in the morning, turn on the computer, and read news for hours. I used to go to quite a few sites.
After awhile, everybody seemed to be carrying the same stories with almost the same exact headlines.
Now most of the news is click bait headlines these days.

"You just won't believe what "X" said, click to find out!!!"

"You've been picking your nose wrong all these years, find out the right way!"

"Putin says this to the USA, find out what you need to know now!!!"

"Employment is up, see why!"
"Employment is down, see why!!"

It never ends!

My wife knows about the politics and financial status of every country, even places I've never heard of. She too can literally sit for hours absorbing this junk.

I've also come to believe it's all propaganda, and they're telling us only what they are allowed to, and they get it all from the same place.

I reached the point a few weeks ago where I just about don't care anymore. The politicians can do whatever they want, to whomever they want to do it to. As far as I'm concerned, I wish they'd just do it to themselves and leave us out.
I got so sick of public media that I sent DTV their box back.
I switched to only spending about 15 minutes in the morning just glossing over the headlines.
Now, I don't even bother to do that.

Nowadays, I get up, turn on the computer, see if there's any mail, check in here, drink my coffee, then go feed the chickens and start my day.

I just don't need the input, it doesn't make my world any better to know the carp they're spewing.
If you can read another language, you will see a different slant on things. Even the Jerusalem Post, The Manila Times and other English language papers will give you another view point. Some things happen, and they never get reported in the US.
I agree with everything said above ^ I have my radio on in my room to make my room cosier, and they play some pretty good music. But whenever the news comes on I just zone out or mute it. I used to let the news get to me, hearing about some peadophile or rapist was enough to ruin my day. It seems so selective. Why is someone half way across the world dying important, but not the death of someone else in my own country? Why does it matter what some celebrity tweeted? I'm only one person, I can't live with the weight of the world on my shoulders. They also talk about America from time to time, mainly politics. Donald trump or Hilary Clinton.. Wow, how does that even happen? And we call it democracy.
I keep hearing from the mainstream media that there is no inflation, that everything is all right with the world. BREXIT was just the beginning of the end of the New World Order, because the Brits got tired of Brussels mandating the size of a pillow, the power of vacuum cleaners you can purchase, whatever the elites dared to enforce. And the domino effect shall begin. The prosperous nations of Europe are growing weary of supporting the slackers....and more will say adios.
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